Facebook did not approve this application. It is currently not available to the public. Any alternative data to visualize? Feel free to suggest to me.
Visualizes your Timeline. Makes Network graph of your friends.
Start with Connecting FacebookClick "Start" button
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As a data visualization tool, this app links your Facebook friends if they like the same post. It generates a network online and allows you to export .csv node and edge files for Gephi.
For more information about Gephi, please go to http://gephi.github.io/.
Friends who like the following type of post in 2015 will be taken into account.
Your information will not be collected or stored by us. The whole process, from data fetching to files exporting, is handled within your web browser. Extracted data from Facebook will be immediately erased when this page is closed or reloaded.
After connected with Facebook, if you don't want to use this app anymore, you may remove it in your Facebook App Settings.